Thursday, November 28, 2013

Beach bum Mondays

Since i don't have a real key board on my iPad and the rest of the gang are doing an awesome job writing great post about our experiences and adventures most of my post will be the pics to go all with the post... Haha. But I will write more soon about last week and the CO Visit to the English group.. Along with more service pics. 

So monday was beach bum fun day!  We took the day off of service and went to a beach just south of Pattaya, near a nice restaurant called the Glasshouse. The boys played on the beach while us girls explored and walked along beach,

Boys played a game that involved a wiffle ball... No I don't know what it's called.. Haha.

Us at beach 

Having our treat at glass house
We treated ourselves to a nice little lunch:) it was delicious and so cute! Would love to return for dinner one day! This is the beach where we spent the day though. Followed in th evening by 150 baht ($5) 1hr Thai massages near our apartments.. 

The bakery area of the Glass house, loved this!
Below is our scooter gang on way out to territory for service :)
I think we were all a bit shocked but excited that service here is mostly Thai territory and then just speak to any foreigners we find along the way:) so this is why we all are attempting short Thai presentations :) the campaign makes it so easy to have a short and sweet presentation in Thai , haha. 
Plumeria trees all around!
Kenzie and janelle
Rafa and I.. 
Rafa and Jeehu,.. Jeehu was our service partner this morning and he tried to teach us more Thai but we pretty much stuck to out short Thai presentations because we r barely getting a hang of those:) lol. 


**Please remember to check out the group blog at: 

**Also if you would like to comment but are having trouble.. Post comment as "Anonymous" , and include you name(first and last) in comment portion, so we know who u are :)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Fun post

Check out the following 3 post on the group blog by falling the links:)

Food at the right time - Mickey n Sam

When nightmares collide by juli

Motor biking in pattaya by kit

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thailand Bethel tour

We have arrived to Pattaya! (Well on Monday  we arrived.. We have since experienced two fun n eventful service days ) 

But back to our Monday:
We had a very nice day, started off with an hour drive in a private bus which was surprisingly comfy/luxurious  and most importantly fit all 8 of us and all the luggage!:) 

Party bus! 

We drove an hour and arrived to the bethel home... It's very small (compared to any of the New York bethel homes) Where we had a nice tour by Erin. Who juli has been in contact with over email. Erin and her husband have now have been here 1 year. Russ and Erin's story.. Were Circuit work in the states,  then invited to gilead, then assigned to Thailand and now been  In bethel and their assignment one year.. In thai Congregation g. Which they have been learning since they arrived. A very nice and encouraging couple:) They Encouraged that the need for now and the next few years will be Thai language , you will see why there is need in the facts part of this post . 


Thailand  Jehovah witness Facts :

Publishers in Thailand : 3,836
(Included in that # is 1,100 need greaters so about only 2,700 natives) 

Country population: 70 million 

Congregations in whole country :92
Bangkok population: 17 million 
Congregations in Bangkok: 6 

Can u see the need now?  
{this is reason why kit+ Juli and Mike n Kenzie picked Thailand}

# in the Bethel family: 70
and some commuter bethelites

Bethel family property pets: only 1 dog left of 4 (as 3 died in last year from snake attacks) reason for pets is that  Boas and cobras are commonly found... snakes don't like activity so dogs help keep em away, but sometimes become they meal :/ 

Bangkok city metro project , where the brothers set up displays and literature in metropolitan areas.. In the test run 1,000 magazines were placed in 1 hour! Isn't that so neat! 

since many are so new to the truth .. They do not know the history of the witnesses in Thailand. So the bethel has many beautiful displays explaining and   showing the history. A nice way for visitors and the brothers to see the growth in Thailand. 

There are many languages also in Thai n tribes up in north these are some pics showing them and then little maps showing where in Thailand they can be found. 


**Please remember to check out the group blog at: 

**Also if you would like to comment but are having trouble.. Post comment as "Anonymous" , and include you name(first and last) in comment portion, so we know who u are :)

Group blog link

Make sure to check up on the group blog for entertaining post like this :)


**Please remember to check out the group blog at: 

**Also if you would like to comment but are having trouble.. Post comment as "Anonymous" , and include you name(first and last) in comment portion, so we know who u are :)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

First days in Bangkok

****this post was written a few days ago... But barely had internet for it to publish... We have since done a a lot more, and it's Sunday night .. We will be prepping to leave Bangkok Monday am, to catch a bethel tour at 1pm(Monday) on our way to Pattaya.. Where we will be stationed next few weeks...***

So we made it here ! I literally  slept 12.5 of the 14 hours on the first flight to Taipei! Lol. Raf slept most as we'll but not as much as me. Here are a few pics of our first few days!:) btw keep in mind it's ridiculously hot and humid... Therefore don't expect makeup n cuteness.. Haha. The time difference is 14 ahead  of California:) 

First night we tried to beat the jet lag and went to Asiantique riverfront .. Modeled after the San francisoco pier .. Lots of shops and food places. 

Waiting for the river ferry, to then catch the train back to our hotel

This ^^is not the one we've been taking, this is a lot cuter. The free long boat we've been riding is usually super packed and a bit sketchy at times(like way overloaded...) but so far we've survived ...

The Next day we went to the grand palace ,  so much to see here! Here (and other sites like these) your outfits are reviewed before being allowed in.. No shoulders or knees can be exposed... Cool thing is that you can "borrow clothes " for your tour and return em as u walk out. And all 4 of our guys had to borrow clothes!  Those indecently dressed boys were showing too much skin , haha. So that's why they all have funny pants .. 

Mike and Kenzie 

Then I pulled a move I learn from my Mama betty(grandma) and took a sneaky pic of the emerald Buddha (a "no picture" area... I'm bad I know.. Lol) it's blurry but it's up at the top of the altar below glowing ...

First group pic!:) order for those who don't know the group (left to right)
Kit & Juli, Mike & Kenzie, Rafa & Lizette, Mikey & Sam 

then we saw the giant gold Buddha (sooooo ginamormous ! Not sure if that's a word?) 

And Then the boys of course defiled the highly worshiped Buddha by giving it a purple nurple, lol.. (Not sure if this is even appropriate to be posting...?)

Then we explored more around the Buddha... 

Kenzie and I 
Kit n juli + mike n Kenzie 

We were trying to replicate the statues behind us... 

Kit n juli

Horsing around... ^^

The expressions on these guys were so awesome! 

"Are you calling me fat?" ^^

"How you doin'?" ^^

and next we visited Wat Arun (temple of dawn ) we all climbed to the top! It was super steep n quite nerve racking to go back down the stairs.. 

Then there was a case of chub rub.... And the boys in pic below we're showing how to deal with it.. 

View from the top

Now for some market food and lunch pics.. What we have eaten so far has been absolutely delicious! Griselda has challenged Kenzie and I to try crazy far we've only been able to take pics of it .. Haha.. Soon ... we promise that we will accept the challenge.. ;)

Delicious noodle soup! ^

Our first Thai iced teas .. Yes it lived up to what we expected :)

Yummy dried squid n other sea creatures... Not! 

Hope you enjoyed pics! {lizette}