Saturday, December 7, 2013

Life between the lanes

Hello all! 
sorry we have been super busy here, and then when we finally have a morning or day off.. all we want to do is explore(like the pattaya night market..Danger zone, more on that or rest and sleep.. then when we actually have a minute of extra energy the wi-fi does not work... so Out goes the blog post .. haha. In a few days it will offficially be 4 weeks that we have been in Thailand! it seems so much longer , yet gone by way too fast! We are loving it, and the more time passes we are enjoying the ones in the English group and other groups in the Pattaya congregation. 

 Service here has been an awesome experience, and even though the initial fear of having to attempt a short Thai presentation is still there( worried that they do not understand a single word of our jumbled thai haha) we try to remember they are seeds being dispersed, and that with Jehovahs help will grow. We were given a tip to try to direct them to the JW.ORG website to find more info, this is helpful cuz most are usually on a smart phone so its easy access for them to whichever language they speak thai or any other language we have come across.

Here are some service Pics:

Raf looooves taking pics.. can u tell ;)

Janelle in Thai ^^ 

Sam and I with Michelle 

Boys eyeing how to get to the private basketball courts
Liz, Juli n Kenzie 

Photo cred: Samantha 

^^^ Roman and Michelle, here serving from Austria :) ^^^

After service Lunchs with huge groups! super fun! 

Its also super nice that after working in a territory you can usually find everyone still reading the brochure with an interestd look on their faces. Here is a pic(ok maybe the guy in green vest doesnt look so interested at the moment , but it cuz he caught me taking a pic ..Ooops Caught, lol..) :


Raf and joe working in a Soi(neighborhoood)

 Everyone that is here more permanently has had so much patience for us, as we all have questions about thai language, people, and culture. We are also learning to love our 7-11 breaks (i know who would have ever thought we'd say that, but they are super popular here and have everything you can think of) Here is a pic of one of our breaks: 

this little cutie is always out with his parents in service during the week 

Most of the friends here have bikes to get around, and so on service days we take them to the terrritory ,meet and disperse and then walk a lot from that meetingn point  .  Motorbikes are such a nice commmodity instead of having to walk EVERYWHERE like we had to do in Mexico.. lol. but there are pros and cons.. such as fear of dying on every ride, be it 2 mins away or a 20 min drive ! My fear of the bikes has gotten better over the last weeks, and the Thai people are in general much more polite and considerate of those on bikes since they r everywhere here... but still SCARY! Especially when ya see someone in our group almost being crushed between 2 buses! ahhh! I am being a bit dramatic... i am glad Rafa is a safe driver and def more on the Cautious side.. he is being so considerate of my fears haha .  

Check out this pic of life between the lanes :/

Here is my view on the bike.. not sure whats scarier seeing all the speeeding cars and bikes or my makeup-less face after a very hot service morning haha! But the sky and buildings looked to cool on the reflection to pass up the photo-op.

Next post will the Pattaya Thepasitt Night Market and our fun night of hanging out with friends(got to figure out to post videos here so if any of you know Leave it in the comments) 

Till next time ! :) 


**Please remember to check out the group blog at:

**Also if you would like to comment but are having trouble.. Post comment as "Anonymous" , and include you name(first and last) in comment portion, so we know who u are :)


  1. This is Kit's Aunt and Uncle, Dan and Jan. We are LOVING your blogs (all of you) ! Ahhh to be young. Keep it coming. Our hearts are with you. Much love, and Jehovah's blessings.


  2. This is great! We love all the pics and are always thinking of you guys. I think it's great that you can direct people to the website... so much easier right?!

  3. We're enjoying the blog and pics! Thanks for sharing.

    You mentioned trying to post videos. What we've done is upload the video to YouTube and then it gets embedded into the blog from there. Hope this helps.

  4. Hi! I don't want to even think about the bus crushing scene. Eeeek!
    I have uploaded videos to Vimeo and grabbed the link to embed into the blog from there. Same thing if you do it to YouTube but I like Vimeo a little better :)

  5. Thailand doesn't look much different than Honduras...weird. Of course, your roads are much nicer. I think the umbrella is the symbol of a need-greater. Seems like we all have them in our pictures.
