Sunday, January 6, 2013

Mexico City PT 2

Decided to break this trip up into 2 post since there is so much and so many pics!

Day 4-6::

Day 4:

Today drove about 2-3 hours away from bethel to the city of Puebla. It was a beautiful city where we ate and hung out it the Centro Historico. While there is a church/ cathedral on just about every corner... There is HUGE cathedra right in centro historico ! It was quite ridiculous ! It reminded if those churches I've seen in Europe, it even had a painting in the dome like the one inside the Duomo cathedral in Florence, Italy .. Well check out the pics..
And if course my dad and Tios sniffed out the best Churro stand in the city and we all stuffed our faces with freshly made churros:)

Day 5:

Today we had a slow start but we drive about 30 mins away from bethel to the pyramids of Teotihuacan! Very impressive! Almost all of us (even my mom! So proud of her! Haha) made it to the very top of the largest pyramid there! The Sol pyramid is biggest of the two, Luna is large also. Then we all had a family dinner where our count was 30! Check out the pics!:)

Day 6:

We all woke up very early and joined the bethel family for morning worship! It was so nice! And even our cousin David had comments during so we were all excited , and clapped n cheered after his comment! Jk! But we were glad to be there on that morning:) then we all went on bethel tour guided by family that is in bethel. First half by cousin Karina, then printery by cousin Gadiel.
While we were in museum it was neat to see my dads family in many of the pics showing the growth of the witnesses in Mexico City bethel and rest of country. Look for the pic of a service group (est 1930s) where my great grandfather Alejandro is on far left, and grandpa German is the small boy in white shirt :) then we had a final lunch with everyone and we took off to catch flight back to the hot and humid heat... We returned so encouraged, but a little but homesick after seeing all the Fam. But we had a great time!!


  1. this pyramids are sooo amazing!! bring back some churros!!!! please!! how far away were pyramids from chetumal? have u started any studies? bethel looks so nice.

    1. Those pyramids are just outside of Mexico city, and about30 mins from Bethel.. so made it a 2hour plane ride from us to get there ;)and we are working on our studies:) the cong is doing alot od Census work since the hall has only been official for 2 months !:)

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